Les internautes cliquant sur une bannière de ciblage comportemental ont deux fois et demi plus de chances de convertir que le taux de conversion classique. C'est le chiffre donné par cet article de ClickZ selon une étude de Network Advertising Initiative. L'article présente également une typologie du ciblage comportemental selon 7 catégories [Lire l'article complet]
- Standard behavioral: This is based on past behavioral actions inclusive of what ads a user has clicked on, content/pages they have viewed or interacted with, keywords searched, etc. [...]
- Creative: This is based on a user's exposure to a specific piece of creative. It can work well when leveraged to expand reach to a specific audience that responds well to a specific targeted site or placements; [...]
- Sequential: This is learning off of consumer's preferences by their interaction with a piece of creative, and then serving creative targeted to those preferences. [...]
- Keyword: This is based on targeting from online users' previously searched keyword terms. [...]
- Data driven: This uses backed appended data such as offline spending or HHI and layers this on to any standard targeting. [...]
- Retargeting: This is based on a user's action with the brand website and often performs comparable to brand keywords. [...]
- Lookalike: This is building lookalike models off of the above site retargeting.
Posté par Stéphane DEGOR